In his classic edition of the Studio Paperback series, Willy Boesiger, a contemporary of Le Corbusier, presents in chronological order the most important buildings, projects and urban designs from all of Le Corbusier's creative periods The spectrum ranges from the early studies.and realizations of houses, such as the "Citrohan" houses, the two Stuttgart Weissenhof houses, to the large apartment and commercial buildings and the different unites d'Habitation, the house of the Centrosoyus in Moscow and many more It ranges from the theoretical works like the development of the "Modulor" to the comprehensively presented and numerous urban plans, e.g., for Algiers, Rio de Janeiro. Berlin or Chandigarh Each project is introduced through numerous photographs plans, sketches and documents by Le Corbusier The biography and list of works complete the book as a concentrated, user-friendly longitudinal section of Le Corbusier's enormous architectural oeuvre. Quelle: