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Emma: Roman

Emma: Roman
Autor: Jane Austen
Verlag: Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag
Seiten: 544
ISBN-10: 3-423-13357-0
ISBN-13: 978-3-423-13357-9
ISBN: 3423133570
Preis: Preis und Verfügbarkeit anzeigen
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"I should like to see Emma in love, and in some doubt of return; it would do her good," remarks one of Jane Austen's characters in Emma.

Quick-witted, beautiful, headstrong and rich, Emma Woodhouse is inordinately fond of match-making select inhabitants of the village of Highbury, yet aloof and oblivious as to the question of whom she herself might marry. This paradox multiplies the intrigues and sparkling ironies of Jane Austen's masterpiece, her comedy of a sentimental education through which Emma discovers a capacity for love and marriage.

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